ReadStrong Pinellas is teaming up with myON to give children access to thousands of digital books for reading practice at home via the myON digital reading application.
Reading 20-minutes every day is key to a child’s progress in school.
When in school, students in Pinellas and Hillsborough Counties are reading daily and using myON to support their reading growth.
It is important for children to keep reading at home.
When schools are closed, students can access to their own myON accounts at home with their user name and password. Families will need a laptop/notebook and internet access or hotspot.

Here’s some tips for families to use myON at home.
1. Ask your child to
- get onto myON account (with a user name and password)
- show you their reading interest in myON.
- show you their myON Profile Report and how they see themselves as a reader.
2. Sit with your child and read together (This is especially important for students in grades K-3).
3. Use one of the science texts on myON to do an at home-experiment.
4. NEW Students have access to myON News articles.
There’s a section on myON website for parents and caregivers on ways to help their child during the COVID-19.
Inspiring Readers of All Ages
Read Strong featuring
Corey Thornton | Music Video
On Friday, ReadStrong Pinellas and Tampa Bay rapper, Corey Thornton celebrate Summer Learning Week by releasing Corey’s newest music video titled, READ STRONG. At the Barbara S. Ponce Library BreakSpot for Grab & Go Meals for Kids, ReadStrong Pinellas and Corey provided children with reading tips and links to Corey’s music video.