About ReadStrong

ReadStrong Pinellas is a collaborative project to reach parents and caregivers across Pinellas County about grade-level reading and to inspire readers of all ages.

ReadStrong helps families unlock their child’s reading potential. We share information, reading resources, and ways to strengthen their child’s reading skills, starting with babies and young children through a child’s school years.

As lead organization, R’Club Child Care, Inc., Tampa Bay’s leading child care provider, teams ups with Pinellas County Council PTA, the Early Learning Coalition of Pinellas County, and United Way Suncoast to help families understand what it means to read on grade-level and how to build strong readers.

ReadStrong encourages community involvement in building ReadStrong readers and donations for books to share with families and children.

ReadStrong Pinellas is powered by JWB, (the Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County) and the Pinellas Campaign for Grade-Level Reading. We receive support and assistance from the Foundation for Healthy St. Petersburg, Pinellas County Schools, Pinellas Education Foundation, and Greater Federation of Women’s Clubs.

Funders / Supporters

Foundation for a Healthy St. Petersburg

Partners / Collaborators

Pinellas County Schools
Pinellas Education Foundation
Early Readers
Early Learning Coalition
United Way Suncoast
Pinellas County Council PTA
Help Me Grow Pinellas
211 Tampa Bay Cares
Florida VPK
R'Club Child Care, Inc.