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About ReadStrong Pinellas
ReadStrong Pinellas is a collaborative project to reach parents and caregivers across Pinellas County about grade-level reading and to inspire readers of all ages.
ReadStrong helps families unlock their child’s reading potential. We share information, reading resources, and ways to strengthen their child’s reading skills, starting with babies and young children through a child’s school years.
Inspiring Readers of All Ages
Read Strong featuring
Corey Thornton | Music Video
On Friday, ReadStrong Pinellas and Tampa Bay rapper, Corey Thornton celebrate Summer Learning Week by releasing Corey’s newest music video titled, READ STRONG. At the Barbara S. Ponce Library BreakSpot for Grab & Go Meals for Kids, ReadStrong Pinellas and Corey provided children with reading tips and links to Corey’s music video.